About us

Our company

We are FreeSeas Pieces, a family owned business operating in the Hampton Roads community of Virginia, USA.

We strive to be a cut above by providing both premium customized merchandise alongside an equally impressive customer service experience.

  • Nearly all of our products can be customized!
  • We offer the same premium experience and fair pricing to all customers from their first order to their 100th!
  • We take all measures to ensure we have efficient processes in place to provide the best products to you with the least hassle and waste!

Our team

President/COO - Nick Freeman

CTO - Eugene Freeman

CDO/CCO - Annabelle Cheryl 


As many businesses do, this one formed out of a need. My partner in life Danielle (owner of The Purple Chickadee) had a growing need for supplies, but getting these consistently and fairly priced became increasingly difficult. We first set out to design and create components that would fit her customer's (and more importantly her) standards, and from here we were set to do the same for everyone else!